March 2015 Holden Beach Fishing Report
3-24-15 Easter Spring Specials
The past couple weeks have been busy busy busy between running a few trips and outfitting all the boats with new tackle, upholstery and electronics. Easter is in a couple weeks and I have the perfect trip for you and your family. Call me at your convenience and let's get you set up with a fun filled day of fishing. To all my repeats yall no what to do.. Come on by the house and see me.

3-15-14 Water Taxi To Frying Pan Tower
Had the opportunity to run a trip for Richard Neal the owner of Frying pan Tower today. The crew will be staying out there for a week donating there time to help restore this magnificent piece of history off our coast. Visit to learn more about it and for those of you who like an adventure this might just be the ultimate get-a-way.

3-13-15 May Is Right Around The Corner.
Excited. Excited. Excited!!! Guys I'm telling you if you have never caught a Monster Cobia then trust me when I say Book a trip in May. Over the past 4 years I have seen this fishery explode and its one of my favorite fish to fish for. Get a crew together and lets go tackle a few of these giants. King Mackerel are also on the menu while we are targeting Cobia. Below are just a couple of pics from last May.

3-10-15 Family Fun Day Of Fishing
John Bremer and his family joined me today for a fun filled day catching Black Sea Bass. The water temperature is still a little cool but with the beautiful weather that we've had the past few days it want take long for the King Mackerel, Cobia, and Mahi-Mahi to show up this Spring. Good times today with this family.