January 2012 Holden Beach Fishing Report
1-8-12 Backwater Fishing w/ Captain Kevin Sneed of Rigged and Ready Charters
Man the fishing was on fire today. I went on a sunday funday fishing trip. Just soaking up the sunshine, It was one of those days were there was no stress involved and we had our limit in just a couple of hours. We got a late start but my cousin was out there a day break and between him and one of his fiends they had at least 25 fish landed by 10.00am. Call me and let's get a trip together while the fishing is still hot. Captain Kevin Sneed-------910-448-3474
1-5-12 Trout Fishing Is Absolutly On Fire In The Backwaters In Holden Beach, N.C.
Holden Beach Charter Fishing in the backwaters with Rigged and Ready Charters is not just a fishing trip, It's also a lifelong memory of an adventure that will blow your mind. If you're an avid fisherman or someone that's never even picked up a fishing pole a Backwater Fishing Charter with Captain Kevin Sneed of Rigged and Ready Charters is going to be a trip you will never forget. Today the Speckled Trout bite was on fire. It was like clock work, every cast we were hooking up. We landed over 70 fish with 90% of them over the 14 inch mark.
1-3-12 Real Men Trout Fish When Its Blowing A Gale Out Of the North In 30 Degree Weather
Well I have officially overcome my objective for today. It was a painful lesson, but those trout were still biting. The wind chill was 35 degrees with winds gusting to 35 to 40 knots. It is now time to thaw out by the fire-place. Capt. Kevin Sneed--------------910-448-
1-2-12 Backwater Fishing Still On Fire
Backwater fishing in Holden Beach, NC. is still on fire. This has been my fourth trip in a row and every fish we hooked today was a keeper.!!! They have to be 14 inches in order to keep, but these fish are all around the 19 to 20 inch mark. A cold front is moving in tonight and the high tomorrow is supposed be in the mid 30's with winds gusting to 35 knots. Most people will be staying inside, but Im going as a challenge to my self just to see if I can still catch trout with the weather as bad as its going to be. STAY TUNED. Capt. Kevin Sneed
1-1-12 New Years Day Backwater Fishing w/ Rigged & Ready Charters In Holden Beach, N.C.
While most people were recovering this morning from celebrating New Years, Rigged & Ready Charters was at again. Today we were on a mission, and big trout is what we were hunting. We left the dock around 7:30 am. and had a 15 mile run to where I knew the trout had been the last few days. Once we arrived it took me a good 5 minutes to thaw my hands out for I had left my gloves at the house.But no worries, we had perfect conditions, the tide was right and a cold front was on the way. Most times trout bite real good before a front. It wasnt long before we were hooked up with a good solid 23in. trout. The action wasnt fast but every fish we caught was well over the 20in. mark. We stayed in one spot and worked it real good.. We ended up with 11 Trout and to say it was good day would have been understatement. To book a trip or just to get information just give me a shout. I love to talk Fishing and better than that I love seeing and making my customers happy. Capt. Kevin Sneed--------------------------------- 910-448-3474
12-31-11 New Years Eve Trout Fishing
What a beautiful day today was. The last day of 2011. The weather was in the high 60's and the trout bite has been good. Mr. Flick joined me today along with his son and daughter, Hunter and Lillie. They are from the Roanoke, V.A. area, and vacation on a regular basis here in Holden Beach, N.C. We had hopes of hooking up on some Red Drum but the trout would not leave us alone..We had a very enjoyable trip and I hope they come back, I had as much fun as they did. There is no better feeling than teaching a kid how to throw a spinning rod and showing them how to work an artificial bait and getting out fished by them.. Good Job Lillie... Capt. Kevin Sneed
12-30-11 Backwater Fishing w/ Rigged and Ready Charters
Backwater fishing in Holden Beach, North Carolina is still holding good numbers of trout. A few friends and I went exploring a few secret spots and we boated around 20 trout and we ended up with 10 keepers all over 15 inches. This was a great day. Good times and good friends. The purpose for this trip was to locate some fish because tomorrow I have a couple coming in from Roanoke, VA and I just wanted to have a good feeling about were to start. Normally if you can locate a body of fish like we did. there's a chance they will be in the same area or very close to it. Capt. Kevin Sneed