11-25-2011 King Mackeral Fishing w/ Captain Kevin Sneed of Rigged and Ready Charters 910-448-3474
Do you ever feel like everything is just perfect? Well on this particular morning that was the feeling I had. On board were three customers that were so excited about running 40+miles offshore to go King mackerel Fishing. This is the part that wasnt so perfect. On our way to the fishing grounds I had a bucket full of cigar minnows thawing out for the ride out. Well we arrived to our destination which was a spot called the Snapper Charlie and can be a very productive place to limit out on King mackerel this time of year. As I started to get the rods out and started baiting the hooks, there was no bucket or any baits in the boat.. My guess is they flew out on the ride out.. To this day I dont understand what happened to them..So as im looking around the boat for some sibiki rigs, I decide to call Wally Traya who runs charters out of Oak Island, and it wasnt long he found somebody on the radio who had an extra box of minnows. Man what a relief that was. I give a Special thanks to wally and to Jim who runs the STIX SLINGER out of Little River, SC. If it wasnt for those two it would have been a very weird day trying to fish with no bait.. Long story short we got the bait and had a 9 fish limit by 10:am and ended up releasing 15 more until we ran out of bait. The seas were calm and it made for a great ride home with a cooler slam full of fish. Good weather, Happy customers, and a safe trip home makes for a perfect day. One lesson to all fisherman who are offshore, treat them as if they are family and help out if possible.. Capt Kevin Sneed 910-448-3474 www.holdenbeachcharter.com