11-12-11 Gulf Stream Wahoo and Sailfishing w/ Captain Kevin Sneed of Rigged and Ready Charters 910-448-3474
Man what a day!!! Perfect sea condtions and perfect weather equals a good day. The plan on this particular trip was to meet at 4:30am saturday morning. We had a plan of running offshore and fishing around the Blackjack Hole and the Steeples which is around 55 to 60 miles offshore. Once we cleared the inlet we pointed the bow offshore and away we went. After about 45 minutes of running the sun popped out over the horizon, and it was clear that everybody on the boat was anticipating on hooking some BIG FISH today. I love that feeling!!! We arrived to our destination which was on a temperature break just inshore of the Black Jack. Shortly after setting the lines I was kinda amazed that I had all the lines set and none of them had gone off yet. It wasnt long after that the port rigger popped out of the clip and the reel screamed ,however we didnt get a good solid hook up. Then another line on the starboard rigger popped out but still no hook up. I ran to the reel and picked it up and put it in free spool. Engaged the reel and the fish was there, It jumped out of the wate

r and happend so quick nobody could tell what it was. We fought this fish for over an hour not knowing what we had on the line. Finally we started making progress. When the fish came to the surface it was clear the we were hooked up to a very nice sailfish. At that point evrybody was throwing high fives and hooping and hollering. That was the hi-light of the day. We ended up with 3 wahoo's all over 30 pounds, the biggest topping out at 49.70lbs
and 1 nice king mackeral. Every fish we had was a trophy. I love it when a plan comes together.